The SharePoint Initiative have now launched a Microsoft SharePoint Support site called which offers a range of support packages and one off SharePoint services.
Virtosoftware released Virto Ajax Calendar 3.7 - a new version of the powerful web part for calendar planning and management in Microsoft SharePoint. Integration with Google Calendar is the most important new feature of the version.
Virtosoftware announced a new Microsoft SharePoint web part that provides advanced features for displaying data in Microsoft SharePoint - Virto Cross Site & Cascaded Lookup.
VirtoSoftware has released a new Microsoft SharePoint web part for creating and cloning AD accounts directly from SharePoint - Virto Create & Clone AD User, compatible with both SP 2007 and SP 2010.
Virtosoftware released Virto Ajax Calendar 3.5 - a new version of the powerful web part for calendar planning and management in Microsoft SharePoint with the support of XML files as a data source.
2008 has been a momentous year with the multiple recognitions they have been awarded in different spheres of business in domestic markets as well as in the global arena.
VirtoSoftware announces the new release of simple and effective service for Microsoft SharePoint 2007 and 2010 for routing incoming emails.
Virtosoftware has released a new Microsoft SharePoint web part for advanced customization SharePoint list forms - Virto List Form Designer.
Virtosoftware has released a new Microsoft SharePoint web part for batch file uploading - Virto Multiple File Uploader with the support of Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
Virtosoftware announces new releases of its two major web parts Virto Ajax Calendar and Virto Alert Customizer which are now fully compatible with Microsoft SharePoint 2010.
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